Monday, December 20, 2010

Splendor, Awesomeness and Glory!

HA TO ALL THE PATHOLOGICAL LIARS THAT THOUGHT BOXHEAD WASN'T FAT!!!  There WAS liposuction and I have pictures to prove it!  I'm not going to post those until I learn how to do the "click if you actually want to see this" function though because some of you might be wimps and be grossed out by the SHEER MAGNIFICENCE of the lipo fat container.  Meanwhile I submit the following:


So, the day went approximately like this.  6:55 arrival

They weren't lying about getting on with it.  I was gowned and meeting with the anaesthesiologist within 5 mins of going in, and then with the surgeon almost right after.  I have TONS of photos of the purple and black (not red) surgical pens, but like the lipofat and the piece of removed skin photos, I wont put those up unil I figure out how to make seeing them optional.

For those of you that might question the rock, it is a blessed rock of eternal safety and protection.  Some people might think of it as a lucky charm...I prefer drama.  Blessed Rock needed to be present for surgery. 

One weird thing.  I had never seen the anaesthesiologist before, ever.  But I have been dreaming about him for days...this precise man with the exact same facial features.  Cosmic-style freaky.

Surgery started promptly at 7:30 and I was done, awake and in recovery by 1:30.  I love the way people just get to walk into surgery in private facilities, walk in, take a look at the surgical instruments, hop up on the table...all unassisted.  Its much more comforting than being on a stretcher. 

This is BIG surgery no doubt, but I'm feeling and managing well in terms of pain and mobility.   Terrified to cough, more so because of the internal muscle stitches that tighten the abdominal muscle fascia - the surface incision doesn't hurt much.  There's lots of bruising and swelling and of course discomfort.  But when it is discomfort I ASKED for and PAID TO HAVE it isn't so bad. ;)

The abdomen is covered by dressings so I can't see exactly how it looks yet.  It will be fabulous though.  I feel that I'm pulled up as tight as a drum, inside and on the surface.

The breasts are amazing.  I went from -AA-almost-none to pretty large boobies.  I know part of it is swelling but they are still spectacular.  Once again evidencing my incredible art talent, here is a pic of one breast with the nipple blocked out.  I don't know how to rotate photos on here, so it is what it is. The cross at the collarbone is a surgical marking of the midline point, and YES, it is in the ubiquitous purple surgical pen!  And for anyone that might ask, I do not have strange little grey nipples.  That is the MS Paint spray-paint function, using grey color, blocking out the nipple.  As we`ve discussed in the past, this is not a surgical pornography site.

So, all is well.  I`m a little uncomfortable, but not `in pain`and every day from here will be incrementally better.

Magnificent breasts, no?  Specially for someone that was flat chested until this morning...uber-flat, hyper-flat, almost concave in the prior flatness of the chest.

And no, Boxhead did not have any facial work done.  The bandage is just to illustrate the surgical awesomeness of the day.  If more of you would have the damn courtesy to vote for facial work then I could get that next. ;)

IN CLOSING, I REPEAT, THERE **WAS** LIPOSUCTION B*TCHES.  YAY.  I'll weigh tomorrow and report in on the total loss.  I don't have the energy for tonight.

Love and Kisses



  1. Very tastefully down, Fair Maiden Boxhead. I am a little surprised. :)

  2. Hey! Why wasn't this flagged as "not suitable for work"? I could get in real trouble viewing this sort of photography in the workplace!

  3. is that hair on your chest Boxie, maybe you should have gotten waxed too

  4. Hahahaha BGS that's good. Nope, that is the purple surgical pen. But waxing is always a good idea...Boxhead supports all possible cosmetic procedures.
