Saturday, December 18, 2010

Introducing Boxhead...

I'm pleased to introduce Boxhead, your guide to the delightful world of cosmetic surgery.  After tomorrow we'll be moving into actual post-op pictures, but don't worry.  Boxhead will make sure you don't see anything too scary.  Here, Boxhead demonstrates the value of Liberator restraints in minimizing the use of opiates:

And in case you didn't believe me about the cuff things, here's a close view.  Fabulous yes?  It'll be hard to work up an oxy addiction wearing these.

Mother of God its so close.



  1. Oh Boxhead! You are even more fetching than Cowface. Marry me. NOW!

  2. Dear Anonymous Poster,

    Are you sure it isn't the restraints you're proposing to? It would appear so far on the blog that Boxhead is a surgery-obsessed chick with body image problems and all the fixings of a prescription drug addiction. That's all well and good in exchange for wrist restraints, but wouldn't it be a better choice to wait for Monday to see if the surgical results look positive? Just a thought.


    Foamy The Squirrel

  3. Hahahahahahahaha Boxhead. I love this.

  4. I must say, that cuff is on the edge. You say that this is a scientific site (you did say that didn't you CVK?), and yet the suggestive nature of the delicate wrist in the cuff would tempt any heterosexual male scientist, or lesbian female scientist (not that there is anything wrong with that) to renounce science and pursue the primal.

  5. Dear CVK,

    I am the guy who wants to marry you. I appreciate your concern that maybe I should wait till Monday. But I am pretty sure you are the girl for me.

  6. And when you say that you are my L&M, doesn't that mean that I should be wearing the cuff?

  7. Dear Anonymous Poster,

    YL&M is a Foamy The Squirrel Fan Mail expression, I don't mean it for real.


  8. Well, that's a shame!

  9. Boxhead I'm a woman and I want to marry you too, cuffs or no. You still look like a stoner, but not charlie brown anymore.

  10. Are you going for Sponge Bob or Rollie Pollie Olie's friend with that look? Quite artsie. I see now that you must have been at the mall picking up arts&crafts supplies. But really, the problem here is lighting. Who is doing your photography!? It's blown out like you're shooting during a nuclear test blast. At ground zero. Can we get a little light metering action, please? And what's with these angles? Are you using the camera in your Blackberry? After beating some bitch senseless with it? If you want to be looking good in this photographic record, this is NOT how to go about it! Such attempts at photography would make Naomi look like an undead goul having a bad hair day. Shortcomings of the surgical diagrams are one thing... the photographic record is quite another. Please consider contracting it out to that Getties woman or somebody else who can do justice to the subject matter.

  11. Boxhead did you start your meds already? Have fun tomorrow :)!!! I'll be thinking of you.

  12. I would like to add a couple of comments.

    First. Your next treatment must be counselling. The reason is why would a person give money to a stranger with a knife to cut into a body for no medical reason? With all of this cutting, good tissue will be removed, there will be alot of pain, bleeding and general discomfort. This does not include the side effects of the drugs.

    Don't forget you can always go to your neighbourhood 7-11 store and meet a person being the dumpest for some.

    If you say it keeps people employed, well here is what I have to say. Yes it is true some people will get employment (doctor, nurses, pain med manufactory to name a few). This is only a select a few. There is other ways to get more people employed.

    As for weight lose. We must draw a principle from business. We must always be looking at "expanding" our horizons. Everyone must "expand" their own horizons, I know I have been. I am up to 3 spins of the bathroom dial. I am working on 4 spins.

    Putting on weight is good for the economy. First think about all of the 16 year people who work in the fast food industry and who will be out of work if we are not getting our daily dose of fat. There is alot more people involved in the spin off industries/economy related to fat.

    So grab a large bag of Doritos and head south of the 49th and get a few KFCs Double Downs and enjoy. FAT IS WHERE IT IS AT. MSG is also good. As we get older, we need all the preservatives we can get.

    Signed: Lard and Master

  13. Dear KKB - it seems medically irresponsible not to give the narcotic prescriptions a try in advance of surgery. I should know how they work after all. :)

  14. Boxhead.. You are beautiful. Your beauty transcends all forms human and pulp. Your carefully arranged display of barbituates at your side make you even more irresistable and dangerously seductive. To all of those that are proposing marriage to Boxhead... Men Women Boxes.. I challenge you to a duel to decide the winner for the resrained hand of Boxhead. Boxhead you have resurrected chivalry and honor among mankind and boxkind.

  15. As the first one to propose to Boxhead (Anonymous 11:29 PM December 18), I want to assert my right of first claimant. If necessary, however, I will be happy to fight to the death, and man, woman or box who wants to dispute that. I am confident of victory because both The Hoff and The Cuff will be with me!

  16. Well I weill be sure to bring fried chicken that has seen the floor to the honor duel .. if i recall correctly... that is Hoffs weakness.. And my weapon of choice will be Telus Blackberries ... I will not be defeated.

  17. Not to be confused with Botoxhead, coming soon...
