Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Infidel Unbelievers and Boxhead's Obesity

DO NOT follow this link if you are squeamish or disturbed by pictures of lipofat or removed abdominal skin in a bag.

However, if you are one of the delusional that claimed that Boxhead was not in fact a morbidly obese superfattie, here you go babies!!! Proof positive that you were wrong and I was right!!!  Superfattie.



  1. These are phraudulent photos of phat! This is the biggest hoax since the US Airforce took those pictures out in the desert and tried to convince everybody they had really gone to the moon!!

    You just went to Whole Foods and got some bags of organic soups - tomato and roasted red pepper - and now you are trying to fob them off as bags of fat. How stupid do you think we are?

  2. Dear Anonymous Poster:

    I understand that it is difficult to be forced to admit that you were so massively wrong. However, that is indeed Boxhead's liposuctioned fat and the piece of removed abdominal skin in a bag.

    Clearly you are a consipiracy theorist though. What is your view of global warming?



  3. Wow, that is SO not a link I'm going to follow.

  4. Removed abdominal skin. Pfft! That is just some chicken skin in a bag!

    Yes, as the weather in Europe suggest, perhaps this global warming crap is a bit overdone.
